I ventured up to Denver tonight to watch the IU basketball game in the presence of a bunch of fellow Hoosiers. It was my first IU Alumni Event ever but definitely worth the drive. I got to hang out with Leslie (she is from the Springs and drove up with me), Beth, and Mike. Plus, I ran into a few people that I knew from back in the day. IU lost to Wisconsin but I still had a lot of fun!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hoosier Love
I ventured up to Denver tonight to watch the IU basketball game in the presence of a bunch of fellow Hoosiers. It was my first IU Alumni Event ever but definitely worth the drive. I got to hang out with Leslie (she is from the Springs and drove up with me), Beth, and Mike. Plus, I ran into a few people that I knew from back in the day. IU lost to Wisconsin but I still had a lot of fun!
I ventured up to Denver tonight to watch the IU basketball game in the presence of a bunch of fellow Hoosiers. It was my first IU Alumni Event ever but definitely worth the drive. I got to hang out with Leslie (she is from the Springs and drove up with me), Beth, and Mike. Plus, I ran into a few people that I knew from back in the day. IU lost to Wisconsin but I still had a lot of fun!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Flatirons Flyers Junior Cycling Project

Check out the new junior development program in the front range (FFP), yours truly is in the advisory group! :)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
2008 COSPP Winter Ball
Last night was the annual winter ball that our school puts on...well, actually the GSA (graduate student association) is in charge...which means I was in charge since I am the treasurer/historian this year. Pictured above is the complete 2008 GSA group. (FYI: We were acquired by Bridgepoint Education last year hence the "University of the Rockies" sign but I still attend COSPP which is a college of the university).
Erica was really excited about this picture as she has seen lots of these shots on my facebook postings. Check it out, I got my hair cut!
Despite being a bunch of academic nerds, our school really likes to dance! I was most impressed by our professors and admins who were dancing all night long! (The woman second from the right is Dr. Cooper who many of you have heard me talk about in the past. She is incredible!)
Despite being a bunch of academic nerds, our school really likes to dance! I was most impressed by our professors and admins who were dancing all night long! (The woman second from the right is Dr. Cooper who many of you have heard me talk about in the past. She is incredible!)
Friday, January 25, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Goodbye Wilners
Mandy and Levi leave town tomorrow for a 27 month Peace Corps commitment in Ecuador. With that in mind, we had a going away party for them last night with lots of laughs and a few tears.
While many of the stories centered around the Wilners, Mary provided some good side show entertainment by shoving seven little wrapped hotdogs into her mouth.
It was an awesome night and I am definitely sad to say goodbye. Good luck Mandy and Levi, know that I love you!
It was an awesome night and I am definitely sad to say goodbye. Good luck Mandy and Levi, know that I love you!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Congratulations Bethie!
Not only was Bethie name CHIEF RESIDENT for the coming year of her residency...
but she and Phil also became the proud parents of this adorable little lab-mix...his name is Logan and I cannot wait to see him!
(The photo of Beth was actually taken on her first day of call over two years ago and now she is chief resident!!!)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
The Other Famous Tucson Climb
Today's goal was to climb Gates Pass. While I have raced up it in the past, I would have to say today's ride was much more enjoyable as we worked on technique and pacing. I definitely would not be smiling at the top had I raced up it today!
Athlete Jo climbed Gates Pass for the first time ever on her bike. The wind that whipped over the top made it no easy feat as we neared the top. And, during our little picture moment up top, I spotted an IU cap...the guy came out to watch the Insight Bowl with his family. Hoosier love!
Athlete Jo climbed Gates Pass for the first time ever on her bike. The wind that whipped over the top made it no easy feat as we neared the top. And, during our little picture moment up top, I spotted an IU cap...the guy came out to watch the Insight Bowl with his family. Hoosier love!
Friday, January 04, 2008
CTS Tucson

Today we went for a group ride with the CTS Tucson coaches and a few other riders. This is the regional Tucson office. Real glamorous huh? At least they have a good location for ride starts but I definitely did not feel safe riding around there solo. On a side note, I did get to see the dirt road that leads to a tunnel that runs under a mountain to Tiger Woods and Oprah Winfrey's estates...I am hoping my plane will fly over them on my way home so I get the arial view. Did I mention it was 70F today? I am definitely getting spoiled!
Today we went for a group ride with the CTS Tucson coaches and a few other riders. This is the regional Tucson office. Real glamorous huh? At least they have a good location for ride starts but I definitely did not feel safe riding around there solo. On a side note, I did get to see the dirt road that leads to a tunnel that runs under a mountain to Tiger Woods and Oprah Winfrey's estates...I am hoping my plane will fly over them on my way home so I get the arial view. Did I mention it was 70F today? I am definitely getting spoiled!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
I Spy Cacti!
As I mentioned awhile ago, I am in Tucson for a private camp with one of my athletes. Today was spent playing on Mt. Lemmon with picture perfect 70F weather...I am definitely getting spoiled!
After sufficiently wearing my athlete out, I dropped her off and went riding on my own. While San Diego is a desertous climate, Tucson is the real deal. Check out the desert mountains with hundreds of cacti scattered about. (This is a picture of Sabino Canyon where I am staying).
But the cool thing that I discovered on this trip are the PURPLE Prickly Pear cacti. I had never seen them before and couldn't resist this shot. I felt a bit like Bear Gylls (Survivorman) while taking this picture and even more so after I stood up and realized that I had been attacked by the cactus. I had little yellow thorny things all over my hand after a small (accidental) run in with it...and somehow managed to wipe my hand on my shorts and got some on my shorts...let's not forget how thin lycra is!
But the cool thing that I discovered on this trip are the PURPLE Prickly Pear cacti. I had never seen them before and couldn't resist this shot. I felt a bit like Bear Gylls (Survivorman) while taking this picture and even more so after I stood up and realized that I had been attacked by the cactus. I had little yellow thorny things all over my hand after a small (accidental) run in with it...and somehow managed to wipe my hand on my shorts and got some on my shorts...let's not forget how thin lycra is!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy New Year!
Yesterday was my last day in SoCal and dad's first day on the bike (aside from trainer time) in a few years. His goal is to get back into shape so that he can climb the Incline with me (and sis-in-law Jen) in May when everybody is out for Chris' graduation...right dad?! :)
While he acted like I wore him out, and seems innocent in this picture, he definitely had something up his sleeve. Dad snuck a few surprise attacks/sprints into our ride. He successfully won each sprint...I wonder why? :) (And by the way, all you cyclists: If you think the 57cm frame looks too big for dad, this is my first road bike...I rode it for 5 months before convicing my dad it was a "little" too big for me!)
While he acted like I wore him out, and seems innocent in this picture, he definitely had something up his sleeve. Dad snuck a few surprise attacks/sprints into our ride. He successfully won each sprint...I wonder why? :) (And by the way, all you cyclists: If you think the 57cm frame looks too big for dad, this is my first road bike...I rode it for 5 months before convicing my dad it was a "little" too big for me!)