Princess Diaries

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One Year CancerVersary

As hard as it is to believe, today is my one year cancerversary. Exactly one year ago today I got the call telling me I had "a form of cancer known as Hodgkin's Lymphoma." The past 365 days have been some of the hardest days of my life and included a series of unfortunate events: cancer diagnosis, my "permanent" crown fell out, mountain lion living in my backyard, ran into a bear on a ride, happened to get flats on both my car and bike on the same day...the day before my comprehensive exam...and it was near impossible to change Matty's flat b/c my special lock to take the lugnuts off was missing, got rear-ended by a car while stopped at a stoplight on my bike, Matty's battery died...I am sure there are some other things I am forgetting but you get the picture. However, in spite of the unfortunate events, the past year has included some incredible events as well: incredible new friends within the cancer community, Mandy coming home from Ecuador the week I was diagnosed, winning two national titles and setting a national record, First Descents (aka: The Best Week of My Life), not being seriously injured when I was hit by a car, not being eat by the mountain or bear, turning 30, finishing my doctoral coursework, and starting my private practice...the highs were high and the lows were low this year but anybody who knows me well knows I do not settle for mediocre. It was been an extraordinary year in both directions and life just keeps getting better! :)


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