After a hardy breakfast (I don't each much of anything the week following chemo), we headed down to the hospital. Since it was a holiday, my normal outpatient clinic was closed and I had to go inpatient...which meant I got my own room but it also meant three times as long. We were at the hospital for SEVEN hours yesterday. As you can see, we played Scrabble...a lot of least it is my favorite board game.
Updates on the health front: I have barely any white blood cells and will likely have the immune system equivalent to an AIDS patient after yesterday's treatment. That means I have to wear a mask in public (no joke, Renee and I are going to Bedazzle it) and take prophylactic antibiotics. Also, my hematocrit has dropped to 37.8% so I have officially lost all my athlete superpowers; however, I intend to be back racing on the track next summer no matter what it takes! :) In general I am doing well after yesterday, nausea, headache, and fatigue but those all come with the territory. No throwing up yet and as long as I don't, according to my rules, I beat chemo! :)
At 10:12 PM,
Leana S May said…
Glad to see you have been such a trooper Kate! Hopefully chemo is a thing of the past!
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