Herbal Lesson for the Day
As some of you know, when training gets intense, I have a tough time sleeping. Add to that school stress and it gets really tough. Well, after a week of horrible sleep I decided to take Valerian root, an herbal sleep aid. According to the bottle one can take 2-3 pills, and knowing the state of my sleep, I wanted to really be sure so I took three. After three pills and a really groggy morning I did a little research...appearantly valerian is a sleep aid but also a mild tranquilizer and diuretic. So I effectively tranquilized and dehydrated myself...no wonder I had such a hard time waking up yesterday! Lesson learned!
As some of you know, when training gets intense, I have a tough time sleeping. Add to that school stress and it gets really tough. Well, after a week of horrible sleep I decided to take Valerian root, an herbal sleep aid. According to the bottle one can take 2-3 pills, and knowing the state of my sleep, I wanted to really be sure so I took three. After three pills and a really groggy morning I did a little research...appearantly valerian is a sleep aid but also a mild tranquilizer and diuretic. So I effectively tranquilized and dehydrated myself...no wonder I had such a hard time waking up yesterday! Lesson learned!
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