Princess Diaries

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Expending kJ round two
So, I have decided that it is pretty darn hard to burn 1800 kJ on a I rode for four hours and didn't make it. Of course, I was really tired from yesterday's burn-fest. However, I did ride up to Bonsall which means great riding and a LOT of climbing. Seriously, I felt like I was always going up hill.
Check out the desert mountains, some of them actually have snow!
After my ride, I jumped in the hot tub...check out the view!

Meanwhile, dad decorated the yard with Christmas lights while mom was standing nearby instructing where the lights should go. The big question was whether or not to put lights on the new avocado tree. And, notice dad is wearing shorts while stringing lights...that would never happen in Michigan! Man, life is rough! :)


  • At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks awsome Kate!

  • At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    from mj

  • At 7:03 PM, Blogger b fisk said…

    what is the bonsall ride, we are going out there in a couple of weeks and want to do it.


    beefiskone at hotmail com


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