Princess Diaries

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

West of the Missississippi!!!
Anne and I packed up our cars and hit the road Sunday morning. Let me tell you how happy I was to be west of the Mississippi again...I thought the day would never come!
And a day later I was crossing back into Colorado...home sweet home!
Trip Highlights: Driving back with Annie! Check out her sassy sunglasses. They are quite fashionable and come from Michigan's very own Meijers!
The other highlight was the hot airballoon parade we saw as we set out Sunday morning. My favorite was the balloon with a snake in this picture.
Trip Lowlight: My FLAT TIRE...yes, you read that right! Matty got a flat tire in the middle of Nebraska. Fortunately a very nice man and his father changed my tire with their high tech jack and I was back on the road within 30 minutes. Phew!
Trip Questionables: The Hummer. Just in case your H3 doesn't already get bad fuel economy, go ahead and throw a rooftop carrier and bikes on a hitch rack. Heck, this guy must have gotten 5 miles per a gallon...isn't there enough room on the inside???
Questionable #2: Redwings Suck bumper sticker...yeah, I don't agree with that. In Denver, though, this bumper sticker is probably very popular!
Large Blessing: Making it home just before the HUGE storm. I have yet to drive in pouring rain again since my accident. This storm would not have been one to start back in either.


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