Princess Diaries

Saturday, January 13, 2007

We have a visitor!

Living in an old house plus cold weather equals visitors...yup, we have a mouse in the house! Sick...and what's worse, I found little presents left behind in my jerseys! Now, that is gross! Though I am not sure if finding that or a dead mouse will be worse...hopefully I don't find the dead mouse at all, that's what roommates are for! :)

Renee, can I borrow Buddha and they know how to hunt?!


  • At 5:19 PM, Blogger reastman said…

    You can borrow the cats but only if you want one to sit on your lap or shed all over your sweater.

  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger Kate Gracheck said…

    Are they more qualified at trapping mice than mouse traps? If so, then it is a deal!


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