Princess Diaries

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Best Line of the Week

Sunday I was riding home and timed my ride perfectly to ride straight through a monsoon. As I was sitting at a stop light (counting the time between lightening strikes and thunder cracks in pouring rain,) the stoplight starts to flicker off and on, then a girl in a car rolled down her window. Here I think she is going to offer me a ride or phone to use but instead she very politely says "You have very pretty legs." Hum...not at all what I thought I was going to hear in the midst of that monsoon!

(A block later it was full on hailing so I ducked for shelter and called for a ride...not even two miles away from home and it was sunny, blue skies when we pulled into the driveway. Gotta love Colorado weather!)


  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger reastman said…

    maybe she thought you were hot, did you get her phone number?

  • At 11:24 AM, Blogger Jenny said…

    But you do have pretty legs - you sexy doctor-to-be you!
    Hope all is going well - your blog is by far the most entertaining one out there chicka!

  • At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations! That is awesome!


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